Over the past two weeks, I started several new classes and began attending a number of other regular meetings at PC. I'm just starting to get adjusted to the new schedule. This semester I'm taking a heavy course-load, with a lot of math classes, so I'm doing whatever I can to get ahead in those classes early in the semester. This week I led a meeting of the Student Senate where one of the members brought forward a number of exciting projects the student senate will begin working on in the coming weeks. One of the projects is to bring forward a proposal to the MCCCD administration requesting a scholarship be established for the Women's Rising organization. The male counterpart of this organization was already being offered a scholarship. But, there was no scholarship for the Women's group. One of the members of this group reached out to a Student Senator at one of the colleges to help correct this imbalance. I'm looking forward to seeing the results of this effort. We are also working to send out surveys on all campuses that will be offering four-year degrees to get student input on the degrees being offered and the ones they would like to see in the future.
This week, I also created a virtual suggestion box for students to contact me about any issues, feedback, and concerns regarding their experiences here at PC. To advertise this suggestion box, I also created a flyer with a QR code that links to the Google Form survey. I'm creating similar forms for the Student Senators at the other colleges, as well as fliers to be distributed on the different campuses to help advertise the forms.
Feel free to share this flier widely on the campus and with your friends. I always try my best to address the concerns of all students at PC and to boldly act as their advocate in the Student Senate. Please consider filling out the form yourself. I would love to hear from all of you.
I can also be reached at student.senator@phoenixcollege.edu.