I also started researching topics in the history of math and logic for my research project. This has been an interesting experience, which is bringing me into contact with many studies of the role of logic in cognition and psychology, as well as several other subjects. Tomorrow, I will meet with Matt to learn about research opportunities in statistics.
The Student Senate has made major strides in publicizing our activities and role across the MCCCD colleges. One student senator began to reap the rewards of weeks of their hard work when they received approval from their college to publish several messages in faculty and student newsletters, and to broadcast them on television monitors across their campus, including one message about the student senate feedback form, and another about a district-wide 4-year degree program survey created by the Student Senate. This senator is also doing a lot of work to encourage and support the other student senators to
We are working closely with administrators at the district to improve and popularize our 4-year degree program survey. Hopefully, the data we collect can help leaders at our college to learn valuable information about the 4-year degree programs.
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